The Emily and John Trivia Challenge

Answer the following questions and submit your answers to john or emily

The winner will be announced at our rehearsal dinner and will receive a small prize. We emphasize small prize. The massive applause from all should make up for it though.


Answers must be submitted by may 1.

Profession answer should be broad (Legal, Medical, Financial services, etc.).

Don't discuss questions with others (1 entry per couple).

Results will be tabulated by John and cannot be challenged.

At least 10 people must respond in order for prize to be awarded.


Alma Maters:

Which college has the most alums attending the wedding?

Which college has the second most alums attending the wedding?


Which profession is the most represented at the wedding?


People are coming in from how many countries? Name the countries.

On what day are the most guests arriving for the wedding?

Where are John and Emily going on their honeymoon?

How many flights will it take them to get to their first honeymoon hotel?

Tie Breaker Questions:

How many Alums from each of the top 2 colleges and how many members of the leading profession?